That's Me!

That's Me!
Somehow I found a paint app that makes me look good...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sex and its offenders...

So, yesterday while I was at work on the Circulation Desk, two teenage girls were prowling sheepishly around and after a spell approached my supervisor and asked for books on sex tips. I should probably share at this time that one of the girls was most likely pregnant because she's always checking out What to Expect When You're Expecting, etc. I don't think I'm out of line assuming there's a bun in the oven.
My first thought was, well, young lady, do you really think you need any help in that area? I think you figured it out all on your own! Followed by, maybe we should skip the sex tips for a little while since that's what got you in your little predicament to begin with. Call me a cynic.
So my supervisor sputters and proceeds to ask them twice what type of tips they were looking for, making me turn a few shades of ruddy, not to mention mortifying the girls who have to say it louder and louder at his request. When asked later, he said that he was shocked that they would even ask and was hoping that they'd change their mind about their inquiry since he was trying so hard to embarrass the shit out of them. He then attempted to direct them my way, which was an epic fail because I quickly started helping another patron, much to his dismay. All in all it was so entertaining watching him struggle to help these teens while his head was silently screaming WTF! Oh, it was classic...
After he sent them on their way to the shelves for their fornication manuals and my patron was assisted as best I could, a gentleman walks up, makes a beeline straight to my supervisor and asks for the Michigan State Law and other information on sex offenders. Evidently, sex was the topic of the day and no one enlightened us with that tasty tidbit. I thought I was losing my bloody mind! Just another special day in the library! :)