That's Me!

That's Me!
Somehow I found a paint app that makes me look good...

Friday, October 2, 2009

So this is it!

I just wanted to start off by saying, that I used to write...a lot. I had journals filled with poetry, and pain and even doodles of teenage angst and tattoos. This one-time passion of mine disappeared out of view a long time ago. The one thing I regret most about its recession into shadows? I really had a good grasp on who I was and what I was going through because it was right there in front of me, in black and white. Therapeutic, of sorts, and ultimately some of the best creative times for me. This is my effort to tap back into that volatile creative energy that is lying dormant in my brain. I'm ready for it. Are you?

I should probably throw out there that this will not be poetry and sadness. That was the Nicole from 10 years ago, and I'm going to leave her back there where she belongs. This is intended to be a running captains log from my cruise through life. Crazy shit happens to me, so I intend to get it down and hopefully entertain a few friends along the way. For example, the guy that was stuck with me in a minor traffic jam yesterday, and the sauve way that he nodded and waved his sandwich at me, like that's hot. Really? I'll have to remember that technique the next time I'm trying to take someone home with me. Oh and just to throw in a little more interest. Truckers and homeless people want me to be their girlfriend. I'm still trying to figure out the living arrangements on that one, but hey, I guess most men don't consider that stuff when they see someone even mildly attractive.

Ok, so for the title I want to just embellish the idea of the biker librarian concept for you. I'm going to school to be a librarian. Grad school is crazy. I intend to take the field of library and information science and tweak it into something rad. I am not and will not be your typical mousy librarian. I have tattoos and peircings, I love fast cars and motorcycles, sex in atypical places, rock concerts, etc. That being said, I'm going to start ( I should really check to see if it's the first) the very first biker librarian gang. I know a few people that have expressed interest, so don't snicker to yourself and think I'm being unrealistic. This is it, people. My alter-ego will prevail!